
Founded in 2007, fuse* is a multidisciplinary art studio that investigates the expressive possibilities of emerging technologies, aiming to interpret the complexity of human, social and natural phenomena. Since its origins, the studio's research has had as its primary objective the creation of multimedia installations and performances, produced with the goal of exploring the boundaries between different disciplines in pursuit of new connections between light, space, sound and movement.

Directed by founders Luca Camellini and Mattia Carretti, the studio has evolved over the years and now approaches the creation of new projects with an increasingly holistic approach, relying on a modus operandi that values pure experimentation and collective creativity. The intent is to create works that can inspire, suspend the ordinary and stimulate thought, sensitivity and imagination. fuse* has always bound its development to that of the community in which it operates by supporting, promoting and conceiving projects that aim to spread culture and knowledge. With this intent, it has been co-producing the electronic music and digital arts festival NODE since 2016.

Over the years, fuse* has presented its works and productions internationally in art institutions and festivals including Mutek, TodaysArt, Sónar, Artechouse, National Museum of China, STRP Biennial, RomaEuropa, Kikk, Scopitone, INOTA Festival, Hong Kong Design Institute, Dongdaemun Design Plaza, Marignana Arte, CUBO, Fondazione Alberto Peruzzo, Videocittà e Palazzo Cipolla.

Fondazione Alberto Peruzzo / Padua, IT
Dongdaemun Design Plaza / Seoul, KR
INOTA Festival / Várpalota, HU
Italian Cultural Institute / San Francisco, USA
Palazzo Cipolla / Rome, IT
Hong Kong Design Institute / Hong Kong, HK
Misk Art Institute / Riyadh, KSA
Videocittà / Roma, IT
National Taichung Theatre / Taichung City, TW
MUTEK MX / Mexico City, MX
Videocittà / Rome, IT
Marignana Arte / Venice, IT
AS-Helix c/o National Museum of China / Beijing, CH
Artechouse / Washington DC & New York, USA
Sónar Istanbul / Istanbul, TR
Scopitone / Nantes, FR
RomaEuropa Festival / Roma, IT 
NEO c/o Cosmo Caixa / Barcellona, ES
LEV festival / Gijón, ES
KIKK Festival / Namur, B
Signal Festival / Prague, CZ
TodaysArt / Den Haag, NL
MUTEK / Montreal, CA
Asia Culture Center / Gwangju, KR
CUBO / Bologna, IT
STRP biennial / Eindhoven, NL

2023 - CODAawards - Luna Somnum (merit)
2022 - CODAawards - Trust
2021 - Jury Selections of the 24th Japan Media Arts Festival - Artificial Botany
2020 - CITIC Press Lightening Selection - AMYGDALA 
2020 - Digital Design Award, Installation - Artificial Botany
2020 - Red Dot Award - Multiverse
2020 - CODAawards Merit Winner - Multiverse 
2019 - Wu Guanzhong Art and Science Innovation Award - Multiverse
2019 - Digital Design Award, Installation - Multiverse
2019 - Digital Design Award, Sound Design - Multiverse
2019 - German Design Award Special Mention - Dökk
2017 - Digital Design Award, Sound Design - Dökk
2017 - Jury Selections of the 20th Japan Media Arts Festival - AMYGDALA
2011 - Celeste Prize, Best Live Media Performance - N4.0
2010 - Celeste Prize, Best Live Media Performance - Corpo Elettrico
2010 - Digital Graffiti, Most Innovative Installation - N3.0


-FUSE*: a blend of art, science, and technology . Interview with Fuse* art studio, Research Catalogue (2023)
-State-of-the-art of Live Media Performance, Creative Applications (2021)
-Lutz Koepnick, Resonant Matter: Sound Art and the Promise of Hospitality, Bloomsbury Academic (2021)
-Roberto Diodato, Immagine, arte, virtualità. Per un'estetica della relazione, Morcelliana (2020)
-Treu, POCHEN Biennale Chemnitz (2020)
-Japanese OpenFrameworks, Multiverse, BNN (2020)
-Artificial Botany, Occulto Magazine #7 (2020)
-L’ecocardiogramma di Milano, La Lettura del Corriere della Sera (2020)
-Red Dot Award, International Yearbook Brands & Communication Design (2020)
-AS-Helix: The Integration of Art and Science in the Age of AI, exhibition catalogue (2019)
-German Design Award, Excellent Communication Design (2019)
-Artfutura, Digital Creatures / Augmented Cognition (2017)
-20th Japan Media Arts Festival (2017)
-Francesco Murano, Light Works Experimental Projection Mapping (2014)
-Celeste Prize, III Edition (2011)



Director / Founder


Since 2007

Director / Founder

Luca founded, together with Mattia Carretti, fuse* in 2007 with the intention of creating emotional experiences that positively inspire through beauty, elegance and poetry. As Technical and Artistic Director of the studio, he oversees the production team in the areas of creative coding, installations and software and hardware architecture design. He has always followed his curiosity for science, technology, photography and travel while cultivating a strong passion for the visual arts.


Director / Founder


Since 2007

Director / Founder

Founder of fuse* together with Luca Camellini, with a degree in Chemistry and a Master's degree in Business Administration from the Polytechnic University of Milan, he is in charge of the general direction of the studio with the aim of creating an organization capable of inspiring and having a positive impact on communities by harnessing the communicative power of art and the expressive potential of emerging digital technologies. Having always been attracted to any kind of aesthetic experience capable of moving and generating empathy with the public, he encourages the search for new forms and new languages that can suggest unprecedented points of view and offer people the chance to observe reality with "less sleepy eyes."


Sound Designer


Since 2009

Sound Designer

Riccardo joined fuse* in 2008 as Sound Designer and Composer. At the studio, he deals with the research, design and sound creation for software and artistic productions, employing audio software such as DAW "Digital Audio Workstation" (Ableton Live, Logic Pro), Digital and Analog Instrument, Max / MSP. He also processes visual graphics and video editing using programs such as Premiere Pro, After Effect, Max / Jitter.


Production Manager


Since 2014

Production Manager

Filippo has been a permanent collaborator of fuse* since 2014 in the role of Production and Marketing Director. Specifically, he deals with the promotion and distribution of the studio productions in the artistic field, whether they be performances or installations. Graduated in Disciplines of the Arts of Music and Performing Arts at the University of Bologna, Filippo also founded NODE, an internationally recognized music and digital arts festival, and two record labels, Zymogen and Error Broadcast.


Designer / Researcher


Since 2015

Designer / Researcher

Giulia joined fuse* in 2015 as a Designer and Researcher. She graduated in Industrial Design at the Politecnico of Milano, which was followed by a course in Mobile User Interface Design. She now deals with the design of user interfaces starting from the analysis of the requirements to the realization of mockups and visual storytelling. Between these two phases of the design process, she also deals with the research of content that leads to concept proposals.


Designer / Creative coder


Since 2018

Designer / Creative coder

Matteo has been a Designer and Creative coder at fuse* since 2018. After a degree in Architecture and Building Engineering at the University of Bologna, he now researches the digital world and its expressive possibilities. He investigates the interweave of generative systems, computational design and the exploration of different languages creating connections between images, music, art and matter.


Studio Manager


Since 2019

Studio Manager

Martina has joined fuse* in 2019 with the role of Studio Manager. Graduated from the MA Visual Arts at the University of Bologna, she trained as Gallery Administrator at galleries Pierogi and Hasted Kraeutler in New York and undertook the role of Gallery Manager at METRONOM, Modena. She currently curates fuse* artistic projects for galleries and museums, while also managing the internal workflow of the studio and coordinating the Administrative and Financial activities of the group.


Designer / Creative coder


Since 2021

Designer / Creative coder

Alessandro joined fuse* in 2021 as Designer and Creative coder. Graduated from the University of Bologna, he works on both design and multimedia arts, exploring artificial cognition, interactive media, simulation of natural phenomena and computational design. He also led workshops and lectured internationally, and is currently teaching assistant at the University of Bologna.


Communication & NFT Strategist


Since 2022

Communication & NFT Strategist

Virginia joined the studio in 2022 as Communication and NFT Strategist. After job experiences in Italy and China, she graduated from King’s College and worked as Gallery Assistant at Annka Kultys Gallery in London. After moving back to Italy, she continued developing her screen-based curatorial practice in parallel with her digital marketing skills. She currently curates the NFT strategy of the studio, while supporting day-to-day marketing tasks.


Software Developer



Software Developer

Matteo joined fuse* in 2022 as a Software Developer. After a bachelor's degree in Cinema and Media Engineering, Matteo graduated in Music Engineering at the Politecnico of Milano. In fuse*, he deals with software development as well as hardware prototyping, research and feasibility analysis. He mainly works with Openframeworks and Touchdesigner, always striving to apply his technical background to reach expressive, creative outputs.


Creative Technologist



Creative Technologist


Performer / Choreographer


Since 2014

Performer / Choreographer

Elena started collaborating with fuse* in 2013 as interpreter and choreographer of N4, Ljos, and Dökk. Starting her career as a gymnast until the age of 18, she studied contemporary dance and developed a strong aerial/vertical technique. In 2006, she took part in the opening of the Olympic Games in Turin and currently works and performs all around the world with world-famous companies and artists.


Via Nuova 9
Campogalliano, Modena, Italy


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